Score Community Opportunities
Hereford– providing high-quality opportunities and activities for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities at the heart of Hereford.
Our ethos: we support people to enjoy the community they are part of by engaging in fulfilling activities and opportunities that they choose.
Opening Times 09:00– 15:00, Monday to Friday
We have allocated parking for drop off/pick up only.
Cost: £52.30 per day (half-day sessions available)
Additional £2 a day for hot and cold refreshments (50p a day for cold refreshments only). People we support have access to the kitchen and can make a drink at any time, refreshments are unlimited.
Spaces are available throughout the week.
Activities we offer
We work in and around the community, making full use of local facilities, including accessible sessions for people with learning disabilities. We offer a variety of activities, with a focus on health and wellbeing as well as enabling people to grow or maintain their independent life skills, but daily programmes are flexible and co-produced with the people we support.
Some of the activities are:
Sports and fitness: Racquetball, Kung Foo, Football, walking for fitness
Life skills: cookery, making drinks, transport training, health and safety responsibilities
Arts and creative: crafts, music, photography, dance
Wellbeing: manicures/hand massage, relaxation and meditation
We have access to trained and professional coaches for our fitness activities.
What to bring: Dress for the weather as we are often out and about in the community: coats, sunhats and sunscreen.
A packed lunch.
Some money to purchase a drink while out if you wish.
We have two sons in their mid-thirties, who have attended Score for quite a few years now. The support they have received over the years from the staff has been exemplary.
One of our sons lives with Downs syndrome and always needs help with his confidence and yet at Score he is supported so well that he thrives and is the best example of himself we could wish for.
Our other son also lives with Downs syndrome and has since attending Score has gone from strength to strength.
The time that they spend at Score is the only respite we receive and is very precious to us both.
The time they spend at Score is really important to them as they can enjoy activities in a relaxed environment with people who are like them and understand their differences. This is such a precious time for them as they feel able to do what others do in life without the extra pressure of fitting in and conforming to the norms in life.
Mr and Mrs Filbrandt (Parents)
Frequently Asked Questions
Score provides small group support, and we can offer specific 1:1 support if required, depending on someone’s needs and care plan. We work with the person supported and their family or advocates to match personalities and wishes with the right member of staff.
We are based in an older style building tucked away in a discreet location, but still near the city centre. Inside is bright, warm and welcoming. People we support manage the building, from making suggestions to carrying out the Health and Safety tests for the building, so they have a sense of ownership for Score.
We have two large meeting areas as well as a separate reception area, a dedicated art room, as well as storeroom, office, staffroom, and kitchen.
People that attend can use all areas of the building and are free to make refreshments as they wish. People that attend feel it’s a home from home.
Please note: The building is not suitable for people who require mobility aids and similar support.
Score does not provide transport. Transport may be costed within an individual’s care plan, while others may use a local taxi service, or Community Wheels, walk independently or catch public transport. We also have people that attend with the help of their family. Herefordshire Council can help you with transport enquiries.
We can offer a half-day free trial with pre-arrangement for people considering joining us.
You can contact the support manager directly by emailing