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Children and young people services

A smiling young lady with short hair enjoys drawing various shapes and adding lots of bright colours, expressing herself through art.

Our Children and Young People service supports young people (aged between 3 and 18). The young people we work with have highly complex needs and are at risk of admission to specialist residential settings due to exhibiting behaviours of concern of significant frequency, intensity and duration. Our aim is to improve their quality of life and enable them to stay with their families. 

By looking at the social, physical, and individual contexts in which behaviour occurs, we can develop proactive strategies to reduce those behaviours and encourage self-regulation. We also co-produce goals with the young person to develop their skills and interests and improve social connections in their community and school. 

We work with parents, carers and other professionals in a variety of settings to effectively implement Positive Behaviour (PBS) strategies and ensure that the experience is consistent for the young person. 

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Positive behaviour support

Supporting children, young people and their families for a better quality of life.

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Keyworker service

We bring professionals and resources together to deliver better outcomes for young people, their families, and communities.

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Get in touch

To learn more about our children and young people's services, please contact: Paul Taylor, Head of Children's Services Development at or Tracey Mutch, Children and Young People's Operational Lead at